i’m still going in shops, considering not going to a live meeting with a woman whom ive been helping recently with her mental health whined jn compliant
the meeting being important but it’s also on zoom
supermarket shopping mostly on line
other stuff from amazon
i visit my mum and sister and stay over
they are isolated but go in supermarkets and mum goes to cards once s as week
my husband works in a large office with 4 or 5 people
full time s as no does nightshift
not good for immune system
I don’t let it stop me. I go to doctor appointments, stores, even restaurants (where we try and sit away from everyone or outside), I just wear a mask everywhere, and don’t knowingly hang out with anyone unvaccinated.
ETA: I’m triple vaxxed, so I feel confident enough. I believe in the science.
I think there is a certain amount of Covid burnout/fatigue going on with people. Yesterday when I got my booster shot almost no one was wearing a mask, besides employees, in the grocery store pharmacy I went in.
Some people may feel that they are protected because of the vaccine also, so this probably contributes to them feeling safer.
I personally always were a mask when I go in a public building because I do not want to transmit it to my parents who are older.
I quarantine my self almost all the time. When I mention to my brother doing things he asks if it’s worth it. And my answer is it isn"t worth it.
Things are pretty much as normal where I live excep[t they screen the people coming in. Including temperature . taking. Visiting only by appointment.I think it’s too soon to go about things as if they are safe - with the
Fast spreading Delta and omicron variiations.
It’s not hard for me to keep away because I spend my time by myself anyway.
I wear a mask - it’s the rule here though lately I’ve heard that cloth masks won’t protect. I bought 30 surgicalmasks and use them sparingly so they will last longer. They’re made in Korea,
We just made a rule to not be around unvaccinated family members including children. My sister won’t vaccinate her kids and my spouse really wants to see them tomorrow so we are making them take home Covid test before we see them.
We are getting extra cautious again and rethinking locking down based on the data.
I’m not worried about omicron - yet. Only because the infections they’ve seen from it have been mild. Don’t know if those infected people were vaccinated or not.
Eventually the world will get vaccinated and vaccinated regularly.
unless we accept people getting sick and dying as the new normal. This virus is here to stay. This is like living in some science fiction book. Can’t believe we’re living through this.
Eventually vaccination won’t be an issue because people will realize this has nothing to do with politics. The virus does not care.
So omicron is evading vaccines if the vaccinated are already getting symptoms even if mild. That’s not a good sign. Means it’s super contagious. I don’t think the world leaders are locking down for no reason to ruin their economies.
Germany is making the unvaccinated lockdown. That’s pretty serious.
I usually keep my mask on me everything I go out. I don’t always wear it but I keep it handy in case there is a place where it is required. I’ve been looking for a place that gives the covid booster shot. I already got the two dose vaccination.
The experts have said this is going to become a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and an endemic of the vaccinated.
In the meantime, they are also working on treatments for the sick, in addition to the vaccines. And the vaccines were never intended to fully prevent disease. They were intended to keep you out of the hospital, and from dying if you did get infected. So they are doing their jobs, and doing them well.
We’ve dialed things back quite a bit. Rarely ever eat out now. Only shop during the quiet times. Don’t go to crowded places. Currently double vaxxed and will be getting third jab as soon as it’s offered to my cohort. I’ve too many friends and relatives get sick and die from the Rona to not take this seriously.