How can I prove I'm immortal without the risk of being wrong?

by being wrong…there is no…after

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I figure wait and see.

Yes, Chordy makes a good point. If you wait and see, eventually you will find out if you are immortal.

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that’s a long time waiting… that’s forever waiting…


No, it’s not forever. And you can do stuff while you are waiting.

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Not saying I have intent or anything. Just a thought Ive been hung up on a while.

No one so far has lived forever. Why would you be the first?

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Better idea: Get a med adjustment.


exactly, nobody before me.
a series of events ultimately leads to my existance forever. the though makes it true

Yeah, I think your logic is just a tiny bit flawed.


by simply being, I am, by having thoughts. If I cease to exists, my view of the world ends and those few seconds into the past exist, so I always exist as long as my past exists. ergo, I am immortal past my point of conception of a unitary being.

take of that what you will

Didn’t really make much sense to me but it sounds like, by your definition, everyone would be immortal.

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Mark Twain once said that he didn’t exist for billions of years before he was born, and it didn’t bother him, so it wouldn’t bother him not to exist for the billions of years in the future. I remember one time I was put under anesthesia, and it was like I didn’t exist during that whole time. Sometimes I think it wouldn’t bother me not to exist, and other times I think it would be so anticlimactic to die this young.


You have existential issues and delusion. See your pdoc

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I fear the nothingness of death.


i don’t think you can prove it… you have to wait and see really huh… I think chances are high you will find out to be mortal after all though…

Science has already proven it. They can now measure spirit activity.

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I had an out-of-body experience after breaking my neck in 2001. From my perspective, the body dies but Consciousness continues. But that is just me. You don’t have to believe anything, it either is or it isn’t.

I would highly recommend sticking around though. There’s no point rushing into anything

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Mortal kombat 155151515 :crazy_face: