Does anyone have any tips
What do you mean?
Eat healthy and exercise.
I don’t have any tips but I like your username😄
Keep on taking meds
Have a healthy lifestyle
Relax and breathe
Be in nature
Learn and understand things
Have good relationships
Own a pet
Like what would keep my brain healthy whilst on meds. any supplements to take ?
If you are schizophrenic the meds make your brain function better, other than that there isn’t anything special, keep it and your body active, eat fruit and vegetables, avoid stress…
- keep taking your meds
- make a good routine and stick to it
- do some research on coping mechanisms and find some that work for you
I suggest b vitamins. I tried a lot of other things that didn’t help but a high dose b vitamin makes me calm, energized and happy. It’s great for cognition too. I don’t think it blocks hallucinations, that’s what meds are for. Good luck.
Thank you for your reply
Aha thanks I appreciate it
Also a multivitamin and fish oil improved my sleep, I don’t wakup at night anymore.
I have been tolled I have psychosis but the doc thinks I have schizophrenia as I am young at the moment they havent diagnosed me officially yet
Best tip is to get on the right drug first, and then get on the minimum of that drug so that you don’t have symptoms. I switched from Risperidone to Abilify, and it has been a world of difference.