How big is the smallest sin?

What’s the smallest action, (deed, thought or omission) committed by man capable of carrying within itself the seed of evil?

Simply existing. man is capable of great evil. Some beings considered that threat to be sin enough

Me taking a piece of my sisters vegan cheese out the fridge.

It’s evil.


Would you consider “simply existing” to be the fabled original sin?


Well, vegan cheese is gross, I’ll give you that.

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I’ve been doing ‘evil’ deeds for a long time since I binge eat. In addition to other things

I think if I were open to a Christian I’d be in deep trouble, I’m seriously evil


Personally I beleave the original sin came from the father when it split the singularity into creation.

Man is just a small sin on the ethereal scale

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DO you care to expand on this? WHile psychotic I entertained a similar idea concerning the original sin.

My theory is such. Nothingness had existed for an eternity before creation. Nothingness was whole and one. Then this protrusion comes out of nowhere in the nothing, spreading change and light all around, rapidly expanding.

It was chaos, compared to the order of nothingness.

Whatever creates that chaos, a creator. Was the first sinner

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An artists work reflects the nature of the artist.

That’s how I’ve come to realise I have faith in an ‘artist’ creator.

And desperate times call for desperate measures

i couldnt possibly say

I heard the word sin is a VERY old archery term, meaning when someone ‘misses the mark’. Food for thought.

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