Did it end? When did it begin in relation to the date of diagnosis? How did you feel/what were the emotions like during that period? What were the thoughts like? What did you do day to day?
Yeah…im rambling today so thats cool. Sorry for so many question marks…! Thanks.
Well in solitary confinement it was mandatory and lasted five months and was awful.
Now if I’m confined I have only myself to blame, there’s lots of stuff to do. I just need to go out and go to meetups or find a nice county run outpatient program. The only obstacle is transportation since I crashed my truck at onset and never got a new one. As soon as I get one I’m gonna do more meetups.
I was an isolated child. Still am. I didn’t think a lot. I was a doer as long as it meant working alone. Feeling lost happened later. That’s when i found I couldn’t function at all = not even alone. Slowly, I began to realize that a psychotic doctor and my father had taken a toll on me. Used me for money. Now, I’m cleaning up my act, being myself and loving Luna.