Mine are decent, but nowhere near where they used to be. I can drive, for example, but have trouble operating machinery like powertools and the like. How about you? Has schizophrenia decreased your motor skills? Or were they never that good to begin with?
Winner winner chicken dinner.
I’m told the autism plays a role in this. I’ve gotten good at some things by virtue of lots of practice, like archery. When it comes to games involving catching, I seem to catch more with my face than my hands.
How do you feel about operating machinery? This is where I think I’ve been affected the most. I’m scared to death to operate a miter saw or circular saw or something, for example. My old man is always building stuff, so I have the opportunity to help him. But I’m too skittish.
No issues with driving, I’m even licensed to drive buses. Power tools are another story. I’ve used them twice as an adult and have had two corresponding trips to the ER. I let my wife assemble IKEA furniture now out of concern for my safety.
Mine are way below par.
When I would play school yard football with the ■■■■■■■ kids they didn’t even bother to cover me bc they knew I wasn’t going to catch that hard piece of leather that really didn’t matter in the scheme of things.
I don’t know if I have autism but my eyes suck so bad depth perception. Well, people used to think I couldn’t talk bc I would go days at school without saying a word to anyone. You’d be surprised how much you can learn about people if you watch and listen.
My dad to this day still won’t let me operate a chainsaw. I can make a beautiful weld with an arc welder but sharp and potentially lethal objects are beyond me.
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