I realize that the vast majority of people with sz don’t do well under pressure. Do you have an example? One I can give is making varsity baseball in high school and developing a fear of dropping a ball hit to me. It literally paralyzed me, held me captive.
I’m not under any pressure.
I don’t do well under pressure. It’s probably cuz our nervous systems are out of wack
I get a lot more symptomatic when stressed.
But I do surprisingly well under pressure? It’s hard to explain
I used to turn into a diamond. An example is with the LSAT. When I practiced I did pretty good. I did better when it was a proctored practice test. My score wAs higher and I was the first one done out of about 50 people. I was also sick that day. I’m pretty sure my hacking distracted everyone.
I think I’m okay. I look for what’s messing up my mood and try cut immediately. I use music (I’m sensitive to sound) to raise my mood and I also have a stimulant proscribed that I can use which has the added effect of raising my mood; it’s handy.
The combination of the effort of cut and pill helps me manage to manoeuvre difficult times generally. As well as journaling. Religion helps me too. But that’s off bounds.
I thought maybe it’s because of antipsychotic
I had to give up work because I was stressed with the idea of how to balance it not distract myself with it whilst being a student at university
I’ve just left days back
Now I still feel the pressure however I am actively working to remedy the situation
I just don’t know if it is enough for me to overturn what I expect will be a mediocre grade In my microeconomics module — this is upsetting because this module was the one I felt I was most likely to on be able to perform well in at this level of the course or degree
Now it means I have to perform even more for the harder modules next semester if this turns out to not be favourable - that’s added pressure ; I just hope I’m strong and patient enough with myself and with the efforts I need to make to get into the position I can be satisfied with
If it’s a stressful situation that I had planned for it’s not so bad. If it’s a surprise stressful situation then I’m not so good.
I tend to procrastinate till the pressure gets unbearable - then get all agitated and moody when it comes.
I don’t do well under pressure. I used to be good at it but the more my sickness progressed the more bad i did at it. I had to stop working…
Meltdowns. Everything feels bad physically and mentally. Sounds hurt. Light hurts. Anything touching me hurts. I don’t do well under pressure. I try to ignore things because of this.
People are forcing me to be homeless all the time. Unless I want to suffer with what they do to my health.
Yes. Thousands of voices have been beating me up today. I call them evil monkeys.
I unravel under extreme pressure.
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