For you guys who are dealing with the Truman show(tv broadcasting) delusion, how are you guys battling it and getting by? What I’m experiencing is so hard for me. How do you guys convince yourselves that what you are experiencing is just a delusion? I can assure everyone of you guys that you are not being talked about on tv. So how do you deal with it?
I’m going to defeat the thought broadcasting delusion with my supplement regimen and meds. It’s a grind though, takes months to heal the blood brain barrier effectively. I’m on day 107 of it.
If I get out fully, I’m going to write a free or $1 book about it. Maybe it’ll happen by month 6 (day 180 or so.)
I thought the Truman show delusion was where you thought everyone you came in contact with were actors. I used to have that but admittedly haven’t seen the movie.
I didn’t know it was thought broadcasting.
I thought I was dead and in Purgatory, and everyone was an actor training me for the next step of existence. It’s not exactly the Truman show delusion but it’s pretty close. Medicine and time together made it go away for me.
I’m sorry I thought they were the same thing. Oops…
I don’t believe my life is on tv. But I feel my thoughts are being watched so uncomfortable for me.
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