Just recovering from pneumonia. Spending time with the whole family. Playing a lot of monopoly and connect four. Hubby is home so I am busy driving him crazy. How are you all?
I’m hanging in there like everyone else.
How are you doing @anon78876561?
Feeling any better?
Glad to see you’re recovering.
pneumonia… pneumonia… where have I heard that before? hm, yes, from november 2019 when a man was told the same thing by a doctor, only turns out that pneumonia was CORONAVIRUS!
how long have you been in this ‘recovering’? like pneumonia is a risky word these days, with it being the main symptom of coronavirus…
My voices have been ruthlessly cruel for days, I have been in tears daily. All because we lowered my dose. We raised it back up but I think it’s gonna take a few weeks to see any results.
I look forward to more positive days in the future.
I’ve had pneumonia several times, I usually get prescribed steroids and a bronchial dilater for it.
you should find somewhere quiet to live… makes the biggest difference ; less voices
just in a holding pattern in life, getting ahead of myself all the time, looking for properties and cities to move to. other than that, im fine, just had dinner. got a couple hours til bedtime, my favorite time of the day.
Hanging out at the beach with my family, things have been on the up and up lately, so I hope that doesn’t end soon.
Getting ready for dinner etc,
Probably going to go on a long beach walk with my brother tomorrow.
Glad to hear of your recovery.
I’ve been doing good other than being scared to get coronavirus.
Flip me over I’m done. Life sure can be shitty.
I’m fine and dandy.
Like a pair of panties.
@Ninjastar I did 4 !
Are you proud of me ?
I was tested for covid. It came out negative.
I am here virus free and surviving.
You do great with rhymes
Good. It’s taking me longer to get back. I have multiple infections in my body right now due to a weak immune system. I’m on three antibiotics currently. I’m doing okay though. Just super tired all the time.
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