hopefully this community of ours on the forum is doing well in this most difficult time.
i am going to pray especially for new york today.
and also california and washington.
what’s up?
hopefully this community of ours on the forum is doing well in this most difficult time.
i am going to pray especially for new york today.
and also california and washington.
what’s up?
I heard we had the first confirmation of the virus in our town. That is hitting too close to home.
Today I caught up with a couple of friends at a friends place. Usually we go to a bar or club and get together. Today it was a private residence. It was a good get together. I am trying to get everyone onboard that no matter what or where we get together every month. It’s working well…
So the Wednesday Adventure Club has survived three meetings. A few brews and some cool conversation.
I’m proud of you for being able to go out to bars and clubs as a sz. My social anxiety kills me when I do that.
I’m old. Soon to be 50. Been pretty stable for well over a decade. I don’t work or do what most normal people do but I volunteer. I play cricket competitively. Keep your stress low and it’s amazing what you can do. Not saying everyone can but it’s important to keep out there and trying. I gave up anti anxiety meds years ago after a gran mal. Never looked back.
My thing is meditation. Makes me happier, tbh. But I still have mad social anxiety and paranoia; maybe it’ll get better as I get older and meditate more.
rogueone, sorry to hear about the case in your town. here in michigan we have lots of cases.
my sister send me notice of a jewish prayer day today for the victims. i will pray also.
keep well, judy
Weather is beautiful in London.
So nice.
All the pollution reduction is making mother nature very happy
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