I had just spent a month in jail, and I was walking the streets. I came across this metal building. All the way around the building were these huge stacks of dry, wooden palates. On one side there was a tank of natural gas, and it was surrounded by all these oily puddles of what looked like a solvent. I checked the gauge on the natural gas tank, and it said the tank was about 10% full. This building was right next to some dry, wood frame houses that could have easily caught fire and burned very fast if there was that kind of accident. Those huge stacks of wooden palates would have also burned very hot and very fast if they caught on fire because they were dry, well ventilated wood. At the time I interpreted the situation as being deliberate. I thought somebody was watching, and they knew when I would get out of jail, and they had set up this fire trap so I could set it off. I warned five businesses and two fire stations about this situation, but nobody was interested in what I had to say. They finally sent out a fire truck to look at the situation. The situation gets more weirder, but that is all I care to go into right now.
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