Hours spent sleeping?

How many hours do you sleep at night? I need a lot of sleep about 12 hours! Clozaril makes me very tired!


6-9 on a typical workday. Most often around 6 or 7.
I function best at around 8 hours.
On weekends I sleep 9-12 hours to catch up.

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I also sleep for 12 hours,
and nap one or two hours


I usually sleep around 6 hours… 12 when I’m tired and really need to re charge.

I sleep about 8 hours on latuda. I hope I don’t have to switch to something that makes me sleep 12 hours I can’t stand sleeping for 12 hours.

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I have the worst insomnia. I can’t sleep at all without clonazepam. Typically 6-7 hours.

It depends upon the night but I probably average about 12 hours also.


12½h. I suffer from hypersomnia.

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9hrs on average.

Roughly 9 hours. Though when I started on quetiapine in the hospital, it was worse as I didn’t have good sleep before then.

I need 12 hours too. When I don’t get that much I always end up falling asleep early or napping.
Some days I sleep even more, like 14-15.

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8or9 sometimes less sometimes more

About nine hours. I sleep during the day sometimes.

Usually about 3.5 hours, but I went back on my Adderall and now I sleep like 7-9 hours.

i sleep a lot. like 8-9 on average and if i dont i make up for it with naps

9-12 hours currently.

On Zyprexa I couldn’t sleep, was sleeping at 4AM everyday.

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when i went off zyprexa, and i was off klonopin, and no weed, this was early 2011, i couldnt sleep for 2-3 days straight, they tried prescribing me all these sleeping meds, nothing narcotic. eventually they gave me klonopin for sleep and it helped finally. i was also on lithium, wellbutrin, and lamictal. but after i stopped the zyprexa i couldnt sleep at all. i could sleep great on zyprexa. but when i stopped it i cuoldnt sleep a wink

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That gave me insomnia. I think its like a stimulant. I felt hyper on it.

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I didnt have sleep problems after switching from Zyprexa to Abilify. Zyprexa never worked for my psychosis. Dr kept raising the dose until 15mg + Seroquel but I was still psychotic.

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