The Weather.
Be it Warm.
Be it Cold.
I Was Sitting Outside And it Was Cold And a Little Breezy…,
I Was Quietly Wondering as I Was Thankful it Wasn’t Too Cold…,
Frostbite And All…,
But I Wonder…,
What is Cold Weather (???)…,
I Mean i Understand, During The Summer, in The Middle of The Day. Without a Cloud in The Sky. It’s Warm. The Sun’s Waves Being Absorbed. The Heat Expressed by The Sun’s Spoken Language as Physical Feelings. It’s Temperature Labelled in Numbers. 80 Degrees. It’s Warm. As You Decide on Going For a Hike. Swimming in a Pool. Taking a Walk Around The Block. Waiting For The Mist of Summer Rain. Depending on How Slow or Quick The Far off Passing Storm Clouds Decide to Breeze by.
I Can Almost Grasp on Heat…,
But!, Cold Weather (???)…,
What is Cold?. The Temperature Drops…,
80 to 35 Degrees And Now it’s Slightly Uncomfortable. At Least it Seems Like it Would Be Better to Bundle Up. Grab a Sweater, Jacket, Hoodie, Something, Anything to Allow The Heartbeat to Send Warmth Through The Veins.
But!, That Doesn’t Answer The Question…,
What is Cold (???)…,
Is it Freezing in Space (???)…,
There’s No Oxygen From What I’ve Read, So What’s The Temperature?. I Mean The Farther Away From The Sun The Colder I’m Sure. So (???)…,
Seasons?. Summer, Winter, Spring, Fall…,
Does it All Fall on Upon The Eye of The Sun (???)…,
But What is Cold (???)…,
My Brain Can’t Seem to Grasp The Meaning of Cold Weather…,
N e Hoo.
Can’t Wait For Summer (!!!)… . …