I almost went horseback riding once. Back in my drug using days. Some pretty 35 year old blonde named Candy came on to me when we were both high on crack and we started talking and we made plans to go horseback riding the next day. Well, it didn’t work out but I got to sleep with her so it wasn’t a total loss
I’ve gone three times. last time I went with the psychosocial club but we only really went around the ring a couple times…then we fed the horses carrotts and stuff. they were all rescued horses. one was secretariats great grandaughter or something. another one was from egypt and then there was another rare one too.
I went horseback riding as a teen.
I went to this Summer Camp in Colorado in the Rocky Mountains - I loved it.
It is so therapeutic
Yeah, the only time I went horseback riding was when I was a kid and that’s all we did. We went around a ring.
i’ve been but luckily we got out of the enclosure and done a little trail, idk if i could do that now bc i am heavier now, poor horse has enough to deal with without me on its back
I go 3xs a week. I love my horses. It’s very calming to feel your horse gallop underneath you.
free spirits I wants rode a horse naked to the town two miles a way to pro test .
“Candy O…I need you.”
Did that once rode on a trail at Diamond D Ranch .
Is there anyone in here who still rides horses since getting schizophrenia? Does the illness or medication affect coordination?