So apparently my step sons mom and her boyfriend have been watching horror movies while he’s over… which is every other weekend… and now he’s scared of the dark/going to bed and thinks he needs holy water in his room… like are you freakin serious?? They can’t not watch horror movies for two days… not only that, she doesn’t buy him clothes, so we have to send clothes to her place… she doesn’t take him anywhere, he said he just has to be inside the whole time and she just feeds him junk the whole time… aye yi yi
I watched so much CSI Miami with my daughter that she was able to accurately identify every type of blood evidence (gravitational droplets vs. arterial spray) and even explain the differences at forensic exhibit at the world of science where we lived at the time. Age seven.
You’re telling me!!! They literally don’t care if they f*ck him up…
I was already traumatized from watching them too young too. So I know he isn’t enjoying it
Watched those with her, too. They didn’t scare her that much, she’s amazingly resilient. The one thing I wouldn’t let her watch was America’s Funniest Videos. I don’t think laughing at people hurting themselves is actually funny and didn’t want her learning that habit.
When the kids were young, I rented Chitty Chitty Bang Bang from Blockbuster and then a sex video from the Adult Store for Hon and I after the kids went to bed.
The next day I mistakenly returned the Porn Video to Blockbuster, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to the adult video store!!
Needless to say I got 2 strange phone calls from these outlets later that night! I felt like 2 feet tall!!
Watching scary movies depends on the emotional maturity of the child. My middle daughter started watching the walking dead withme when she was nine but my youngest son wants no part in anything scary and therefore the scariest thing he watches is the nightmare before Christmas.
When I was growing up “The Exorcist” terrorized us. I’d be very afraid when I was alone in my bed at night. They need to rate these types of movies as not suitable for children.
Those are not books filled with gratuitous violence. In the movies they show clear, close up shots of people being killed in horrific fashion. I’ve read Frankenstein, and it is not a scary book. It wasn’t meant to be scary when it was written. Maybe some kids don’t become disturbed by graphic images of extreme violence, but some kids come home and are afraid to turn out the lights at night. They have nightmares.