Honking and waving. life in a small town

apparently the neighbors know a lot of people, and at least once a day someone will drive by and honk their horn. i don’t get it honestly, and when i cross the street and wait for the traffic to clear almost everyone waves at me, when they see me out. i only know like 2 people in town, but this doesn’t stop people from waving at me.

is this common behaviour where you live? i think it’s a small town thing.


It is a small town thing. :dog::dog::dog:


All of my neighbors wave. I live in a city. But a Southern city.

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I was in my car driving and I let a woman and her baby in a stroller cross the street.
She waved a thanks to me and I waved back.

Thought it was a nice gesture.


People here like to stop in the middle of the road and talk to their friend in the car going the opposite way lol.

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haha yeah i’ve witnessed that here a couple times as well. and lots of conversations at the grocery store parking lot.

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I usually wave and thank people who let me cross the street.

There are a lot of rude people moving here from bigger cities who don’t seem to understand common courtesy though.


I’ve lived in NYC and a small town and I prefer the small town life. It is friendlier. To answer your question, yes, and it is a small town behavior.


Everyone waves here. It’s a small town. At the stop sign it’s ladies first. Car pull alongside one another to chat in the middle of the road all the time and you are expected to go around.

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I live in a small rural Town and nearly all the time when I venture into town for food shopping I see and chat to two or three people.

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It is indeed. I like living in a larger town where I’m more anonymous. Two towns back everyone knew me because of all the volunteer work I did there. Nice not to be known here.

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Hardly anyone waves here. You can say hello and it’s a 5050 chance of getting a hello back. Big city mentality.

I’m just a small town girl livinnnn in a lonely worldddd


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