Homicide and voices

Have your voices ever commanded you to kill? Mine do and they drive me insane. They try to convince me of crimes I didn’t commit. I read once that it takes the human brain 3 hours to be convinced of something you didn’t do.

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I get these command voices a lot too, they’re not uncommon to schizophrenics

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I used to. That’s why we added the haldol injection. It helped a lot. I was able increase my dose without added side effects.

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Yes, to kill a girl baby because girls are worthless.

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After smoking weed I thought I had to kill my mom because it already happened and if I didn’t it would break the space time continuum. I was going through a lot though. :sun_with_face:

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Yes, I have had this symptom. Voices tried to convince me to kill my family, mainly my grandpa and my cat. I was having urges to obey and I even located a hammer that could be used to “bash my grandpa’s skull in.” I continued to get worse, and eventually my mom took me to the hospital and I stayed there for 10 days as they stabilized me on seroquel and haldol. I haven’t heard and voices telling me to kill since December.


I have heard these voices, i never told anyone about them in fear they’d hospitalise me. It’s been over a year since ive heard them but they were really disturbing and would get worse if i forget meds

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It’s a tragedy isn’t it? To have our brains betray us like this.

I’m haunted by these thoughts. I’m on Seroquel but even the strongest meds haven’t eased the voices.

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I get these voices too.
Lucifer tells me to kill them all

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Yesterday the news talked about a murderer with mental illness who had killed and had cut into pieces the bodies of his family. He did it 20 years ago and he had said that his family was plotting against him, so he killed them first. He died yesterday from heart attack in the psych hospital of prison. That explains why delusions are dangerous


Yeah… that’s why I fear getting off meds. On meds I just hear the voices. Off meds I become psychotic and unstable, very scary.

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When I had opened up about my schizophrenia to my cousin, she asked me what if the voices command me to kill. Would I do it? I found it offensive.

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She, and everyone in my family, know that I wouldn’t hurt a fly. It was offensive, anyway

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My therapist says I may do it because I show signs of impulsivity. Don’t know how to feel about that one.

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Yeah, it doesn’t sound good. You have OCD maybe?

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I think I’m borderline OCD. I obsess over all my thoughts.

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I don’t have ocd, but I have obsessions.
I get obsessed with my minor delusions. By minor I mean those that come with insight.
If I have major delusions, I lose contact with reality. I am afraid of delusions

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So, the story above about the murderer, it shows what happens in Greece to schizophrenics who commit a crime while psychotic. They go to the psych hospital of the prison

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I wonder how many mentally ill are in our prisons? Just wasting away not getting treatment.

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