Supposedly the city put heaters in the homeless tent community in my town for winter that’s pretty awesome!
That’s really cool!
That is really nice of them! I have a dear fried I grew close to that is homeless. I sometimes give him some money and buy him smokes so he can get by, really nice man. I really wish they did more for the homeless here where I live. But I do wish anyone that is homeless a warm place to live!!!
That’s great news…! When I was homeless, there was Salvation Army with shelters during night, it helped me a lot…! Every night at 7:00 we would gather at the shelter… there was a community and would converse and such outside. Although I was psychotic and acting foolish, we would share snacks and bread.
Still quite a bit of a homeless population here - frankly i find them intimidating, they always seem to be standing right beside you when your at the cashpoint.
Yup. Rather like a pigeon next to your picnic table while you’re trying to eat your hotdog.
I dont normally speak ill of the homeless - cos i copped it myself for 6 months living inside a bin in Brighton here uk. But they are just ruddy leeches here. Ive seen the same people exchanging needles and getting a methadone script when im picking up my weekly Aps.
I never carried on like that when i was homeless. Theres plenty of organisations in this town that will put you in a hostel - or even give you a tent. But of course these people just want the money to stick in their arm.
Oh, screw that. I was homeless myself and I learned that the number one danger to me was other homeless people. I felt like my world was Lord of the Flies and I was Piggy. I’ve never felt safe around them or have trusted them since. Should we support getting people out of homelessness? Hell yes. Just be cautious when around them and make sure you’ve got defence and escape options.
I taped my Samsung tablet to my chest when i was on the streets lol. And always put your shoes under your head when your sleeping - cos someone will pinch them lol
It was always a goal of mine to renovate an old apartment complex of studios, or a hotel and let all our homeless people in with programs to get clean, thrift store gift cards, SSI, food stamps, work, everything needed to get them back on their feet…
Oh, how I would love that
If its anything like round here - they would have crack partys and nick the copper boiler and pipes out the walls lol.
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