Holding yourself back test

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your inner critic. it sucks, and then you just get wanting to be impulsive,
cuz there’s no way to live up to it. yeah.

I know I am a perfectionist.

I lost my enthusiasm since having sz bcz my dreams were destroyed by sz.

I lack ambition. Which I’m perfectly fine with.

Pretty much this is it

You are holding yourself back somewhat (60%).

So perfect it seems unreal😂

I have a bit of perfectionism. I’m also not a big thinker before action. I’ve really never thought through a life decision ever. I’m also holding myself back by not doing exciting things such as riding a motorcycle and jumping out of a plane.

I scored 46% in holding myself back. I was medium in risky behavior. Medium in lost in fantasy. And medium in getting stressed. I scored low in all the other areas.

You are holding yourself back a bit (27.86%).

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