I enjoy collecting DVDs, Records, and MAD magazines and also enjoy writing, painting, and playing guitar. What do you collect or do to pass the time?
I mostly collect DVDs, graphic shirts, CDs, cameras, and movie memorabilia.
Oh I forgot about how I collect shirts, like movie, show, and band t shirts
Details needed. Dish it!
Nice! I also own a lot of band and movie shirts.
My favorite is probably my Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirt. I hardly ever wear it because I don’t want it to get stains.
i like to play guitar, listen to music, watch silly videos on youtube, putter around in the backyard
I just ordered 2 new band tshirts on amazon, cant wait till they come in
Fun! How are you on guitar and what kind of music do you listen to?
You want to know about my nut collection? Lol.
I own a Canon T2i, Panasonic G85, and two vintage super eight cameras. One of the super eights is made by Canon.
I play video games, draw, read books, watch movies
Whats the most recent book you have read?
i am okay, I can do rhythm stuff, lots of power chord, bar chords, diads and stuff. learning scales now.
I am into the heavy metal, metalcore, some atmospheric accoustic stuff, melodic.
I usually play in drop tuning, right now in drop A on a 7 string.
I play a left handed schecter banshee 7 string. Schecter makes great left handed guitars.
How about you? what do you like to play?
I read happiness trap by Russ Harris. It’s cool
If I was rich and there were no poor people in the world I would be collecting mangas, books and videogames.
I just kinda mess around on guitar, Ive written a few songs but right now my guitar is in the shop gotta wait on it. Ive been trying to learn bass too
I also into collecting video games retro consoles. Regular consoles , gaming stuff
my gf draws mangas, she almost became a professional manga artist in japan.
awesome. yeah i just play around too, i try to learn stuff by ear mostly.
Yes same here!
awesome, yeah ill just hear a song I like and try to play part of it by listening to it. Its a good way to learn. Sometimes I use guitar tabs too