My right hip and left foot hurt from jogging. I’m obese so I know it’s not easy on my body, but I want to continue jogging because it’s a good workout
That’s awesome you’ve been jogging, @LilyoftheValley!
Maybe take it easy on yourself today and give your hip and foot time to rest… Maybe a good walking pace on the treadmill, or you could try the elliptical as it’s low-impact on the joints.
Keep it up!
Thanks @Schztuna I think I’m going to jog three times a week and use the elliptical two times a week. That’ll give my body a chance to recuperate
Be sure to stretch for 10 to 15 minutes before and after your workout. Good shoes help, too.
I’m so proud of you!
I made the mistake of not letting my muscles recuperate properly in my eagerness to exercise in the past and it put me out for months. Be wise and don’t make the same mistake as me or you’ll regret it.
Remember you have time to lose weight. Don’t rush it!
I have running shoes that are pretty new still and I stretch every day for 15 minutes.
That’s true @labratmat. I’ll pay attention and try not to hurt myself.
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