Highly influenced by others even when your not strong of mind

I feel i’m highly influenced by others even when i’m not strong of mind, good things and bad, when i have psychotic symptoms i feel so sick, feel like an evil person for the first time, just pray for peace of mind

Me too. I feel like im evil a bit sometimes. Your not. It is the delusion, not your perspective.

Join the club. This whole society is in-flow-enced by the cockamamy beliefs pitched at us by the Lords of the Common Cult-ure. We believe what we are told to believe. (By CNN, Faux and MSNBC, fer sure.) And most don’t even know they do that… nor that they are functionally as blind, deaf and senseless as those rocks on Pluto.

Isn’t belief the core issue in sz? Well. Have a look.

I would think the stronger mind is less influenced. But, true, we tend not to want to be different, to go along with the crowd, to, essentially, go unnoticed. I’m not saying taking a stand can’t get you knocked down. What is smart to learn is to be sensitive to how far and how fast you can take a new idea to fulfillment.

It’s got a name: Co-dependence. See http://coda.org/ and http://coda.org/index.cfm/meeting-documents/patterns-and-characteristics-2010/, which points to the core beliefs we are taught by the agents of the accumulators of wealth. (I knooooooow. Sounds really radical. But it’s not.)

Like the bank? I go by Check Into Cash all the time, and I wonder some people will never have a checking account, a savings account, an IRA. They would rather do everything in cash. For me, I tend to spend more if I have cash. I’m also totally paranoid about it, and worried someone will steal from me, or I will drop a 20 getting out of my car to pay for gas.

I’m a victim of that too. When I have friends I will go along with just about anything except serious crimes. I’m definitely a follower. My dad knew this and he once commented, “You live your life like a leaf blowing in the wind”. He meant I will go any direction and let people influence me. When I’m driving my car I let idiots distract me and get to me.

I’ve gotten talked into things that I know aren’t safe or even good for me. It’s like my head get turned around so quickly… that’s probably why I end up in the drama I end up in.

I’m lucky to have some friends be the voice of reason on my shoulder and help me come back to clear thinking… but there are times when I just end up following the crowd…

I also have a hard time standing up for myself. I’m good at going away doing something else that interests me… but standing up for myself… I’m still pretty weak.

I’m more influential than influenced.

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