Higher consciousness

Has anyone got it


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I think itā€™s subjective, but everyone who seeks it can probably achieve it, at least to a degree.

the meds make it impossible for enlightenment :angry:

I think judging yourself adds to the outcome

freedom from wrong choices

leading to bliss

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meds help your mind

donā€™t forget it

Not since I quit drugs.


Achieving higher consciousness meant to me looking past the mumbo jumbo new age stuff and embracing a capitalist society.

Well I use at least 11% of my brain at any given time. Does that count?


ā€œHigher Consciousnessā€? Define your terms. Higher than what? In what way? What is the accepted baseline for consciousness and how is it determined? Iā€™m not trying to be a dck, but that concept reeks of 60ā€™s acid-head/guru mind-fckery and is so vague and imprecise that Iā€™m tempted to toss out the whole concept on the grounds that it is unprovable. Define your terms, sir!


Back in the late sixties people tried to expand their consciousnesses by doing acid. There is a Grateful Dead song about that titled ā€œEstimated Prophetā€. If they were lucky nothing bad happened, except maybe a bad trip, but there were stories circulating about people who jumped off buildings trying to fly, and they broke their necks.

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Iā€™ll give it a goā€¦ :slight_smile:

A state of being where the observer in the mind syncs with the doer of the mind in such that a sense of peace and tranquillity is achieved. In addition, the sense of consciousness is in a meditative state all the time in complete awareness where we are beyond our life conditioning and are liberated and free.

The use of drugs is unnecessary, as are gurus, temples and churches. It is all within each one of us where we donā€™t run or escape ourselves but sit and face oneself; everything we have experienced, done and do.

Once this has been achieved then I would describe this as a higher state of consciousness.


Excellent O wise one. Not sure that I can attain all of that, although seeing myself honestly I do, warts and all. I salaam 7 times :wink:

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I am working on it. This illness has been my calling to walk the path towards enlightenment.

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Higher consciousness leads to the understanding of the nature of suffering.

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Our constant striving for success creates suffering

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