Hi what do you think about this?

i made this topic

about that i taking aripiprazole…and i facing challenges with life to a degree that i feel aripiprazole not working !!!

i want to ask

that today i feel better should i wait another month and go to my doctor on my regular appointment ??!!!

thank you

any opinion is welcomed of course
thank you

It takes two weeks to get the result.
In aripirazole I have experienced it.
Because I sprayed a liquid on my head to grow more hair and I Lost my self to severe hallucinations.

And doctor asked me to stop that spray and wait of two to three weeks.

So I think it takes Time. Also i got many side affect and kept the doc informed and sometimes he says its OK it will go away after some days.

I used to shake the entire bed like I was electrocuted before falling a sleep. It some thing special arip…

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thank you dear very much
wish you best of luck in life :)))
this really helped me so much

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