Hi peeps. Just wondering about

This problem I have.

The tip of my tongue has raised bumps. And they feel like they are on fire, burning.

It is really uncomfortable

Has anyone had this and what was the cause?


Just some thoughts along your line of questioning: Mouthwash makes my tongue burn. I understand I am supposed to brush my tongue when I brush my teeth.

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Sounds like herpes.

It causes bumps and feels burning.

I don’t know if it can appear on the tip of your tongue.

I guess it’s possible you just burned yourself.

I’d get it checked just in case.

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Sounds like you just bit your tongue and didn’t realize it.

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I think it is something more than that because it is really an odd burning sensation that I have never had before from a bitten tongue

Do they look like little ulcers?

Do they have any white spots on them?

Have you eaten any fruit or vegetable products you don’t normally eat?
My tongue gets like that when I have cherry tomatoes, due to a mild allergy

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I think they might be called lie bumps. They can be caused by a few different reasons. A friend of mine had them and they went away on their own, but he did go to the doctor to have them looked into to make sure that he didn’t have a virus.

Oh dear. Probably best to get it checked out. Hope you feel better soon.

When I checked online it said it usually goes on its own so I’m just waiting because I have no time my gp is so far away. Thanks for the well wishes

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i hope it goes away soon

I haven’t been eating anything new, no

Thankyou Lekkerhondje.

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Hope they go away soon @Zoe… gargle with warm salt water.

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Acidic foods have done that to me before. It went away in a couple days of not eating acidic foods

I have gotten that before too @Zoe!! Talk to your doctor and he may prescribe something or send you for over the counter medication.

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Do you know what caused it?

It’s so irritating.

Also I’ve got constant hypersalivation

I think it was lip herpes not genital for me. I thought I got it from kissing but may not be that serious for you. Cold weather triggers cold sores on the lips. Hopefully they are just cold sores and can be treated over the counter.

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How does one get lip herpes sounds like an STI

Oh from kissing.

I don’t have a boyfriend so can’t be that

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