I’m going on my second and final ever mental health course session today.
It should be really good.
I hope I won’t be too tired to not enjoy it.
It’s on rebuilding confidence.
The peer trainers for it are pretty awesome.
They really listen to us participants and they are nice.
Which is nice.
What are you guys doing today?
Or how are you guys feeling today?
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So after I come home I will try to catch up on my sleep.
I feel OK. I’m excited to begin my weight loss journey which is already happening now… Hehe.
So I’m really happy about that.
Really appreciate the support on this forum.
And I really need to tidy my room at some point.
I found a good job position but the hours are bad so I asked them on the application if they can shift the hours
You never know they might.
December 2, 2020, 7:15am
Hope it goes well for you! Sounds interesting.
I have to work, but I got myself overloaded yesterday and it did not go well at all :-/
Hoping I can get over it today if I can
Things are just building up and stressing me out big time at the moment.
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Oh that sounds rough, I hope you catch a break @Joker .
Good on you for working that’s really admirable.
I hope you can get back to swimming too. That would be super relaxing.
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December 2, 2020, 7:36am
I can go swimming again from tomorrow!
Hoping it will help.
It was frustrating that they shut the gyms. Not really sure if it has made much difference or not to Covid. I think letting people into bars and pubs is far more risky
OK I’m feeling a bit dizzy. This is going to be a hard day to get through. But the session will be manageable I think because at least it’s fun. And last week there was just me and another participant. So it’s quite personal.
December 16, 2020, 7:42am
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