My thoughts: if the job is physically demanding, you probably need more calories to keep up with the work. The body will crave simple carbs because the energy comes fast, but complex carbs and protein will keep you full longer. Nuts, eggs, etc. If you are feeling exceptionally tired, drinking more water or gatorade might help a lot. And/or taking a multivitamin, especially vitamin D, since you are in the north and probably getting less sun. If you have energy and keep up with your activity, that might help.
Your body composition is changing. The muscle-to-fat ratio is being altered to accommodate the physically demanding job. My muscle-to-fat ratio is changing as well and that is why I find losing the weight difficult. I am getting faster, stronger and better but at the cost of gaining lean muscle mass.
You require more rest to recuperate from physically demanding activity. It’s a natural recovery period for the human body. I wouldn’t worry about the weight but rather the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep that releases hormones that activates muscle regeneration. Eventually as another few weeks to months pass, your body will reach another equilibrium or balance. Then you can focus on losing the weight. Right now, your body is getting accustomed to the work schedule and work activity.
I calorie counted with the YAZIO app for a couple of months and lost 17 kg. Now I’m happy with my weight. Hence, I’ve dropped the counting since a couple of days and just try to be sensible.
Yes, it does. But it was only possible because of the extra motivation and energy I got from my ad. Before that I was just always tired and an apathic couch Patato.
Yea those pics I post up are propaganda lol. But seriously I only like posting up pics if I look slim but in reality I’m overweight. Although they are recent photos. For example my belly is kinda big
something i am going to try but wont recommend is a liquid fast. I want to start making shakes out of juices and vegetables. I could live that way and it feels healthier. just raw vitamins/fruit/veggies and you can add granola and nuts for protein. I dnt have a huge appetite. Its my lack of activity thats fueling my weight gain and also my diet. I think I will also get rid of meat/and microwavables.
when I was a vegetarian I was like nothing/size zero. I could wear a two piece bathing suit. if I could add vyvanse it would speed up the process. not sure they will prescribe it, I may end up trying a vitamin instead or vitamin C. vitamin E is good for skin health, C for energy D for depression B for overall cellular health and fatigue but they are the best coming from a raw food source not supplement.
I am right there with you in the struggle. It would be a lot to take on but you could start with making like carrot/grape/granola and oat milk in a smoothie maker and bring that with you to work if your appetite is still too high it might be a thyroid or hormone issue.
Look at it in terms of energy not in how you look. Stay engaged and active and the pounds will just go away over time. I lost weight just walking around all the time and thru sports, diet nutrition. No pain no weight loss!! In other words for me I care more about how I feel than how I look to people…
If I felt better and had energy I would be overall a lot happier and healthier…