I slept well. Brushed my teeth, after a long self-care day, did my skincare, took Hemp oil, and passed out around 11 pm till 7 am.
Dream after dream, past coworkers, old jobs, sex, family, old towns, my dreams is like movies.
I just made coffee and smoked a cigarette. I’m smoking on and off but I always go back to vape.
Yesterday we saw the 1 bedroom apartment we’re going to rent for 3 months before we move to our final house. I am excited, I’m gonna take a deep breath and go through these major changes slowly.
Yesterday I found out the guy who was interested me was kicked off work along with another 120 people end of February when the company did job cuts. (I’m assuming bc of Covid-19) I hadn’t seen him online for a few months but I felt like a knife in my heart. It’s my mistake, always get in trouble for talking and sharing too much. It’s the best lesson to be anonymous online in communities. Never again.
It looks like it’s gonna be a sunny day and I’m feeling better, I’m gonna work for a bit then maybe do some sort of exercise.