Hi, I would like to say thanks to all the users for posting. It has encourage me much in the last decade and i hope all of you are doing well.
I must admit that this is always a problem, but here goes.
Although many will frown upon the idea that someone woke up with a cure, often mistaking it for a cure.And i myself would likely thrown at someone suggesting this, but this came to me from a friend (who seems to be doing better than ever).
I will be honest, this sounds solid and i will continue to look into it and i am looking for input from any practitioner of this idea.
The Natural organic function of all organs is to alert the user so they may in turn search for health i.e it will run independently.
After reading this, the holistic methodology of acknowledging the issue will in itself be the reversing of the inception of it.
The cure for all illnesses exist, Fact.
The cure for mental (cognative Illnesses/thought disorders) is in Thought, and congruence of understanding.
I recommend that all of you go through the start of your illness. Reflect on your brain as self preserving. This is where the separation of consciousness from the brain and the inevitable positions held by each side as enemies of one another.
In simple words, the brain has been under-attack since the the birth of schizophrenia, it notified you (am i hearing voices) and found you scared and unable to aid it, so its anti virus was to push you away (as it believed that you are who caused it)
This is a copy and paste
Consider all other organs and what occurs when they are sick, inflammation, increase in white blood cells, swelling etc, all of these are default functions that are used to alert the user.
The organic element we are concerned about is the Brain, consider the schizophrenic brain as a computer that is running as Artificial Intelligence, the brain will always behave as a an organ first in case of attack and resort to automation.
If the brain resorts to an automated defensive system, it must of been informed that the conscious entity is not a suitable user, and if you smoked something you can see it as a disowning by the owner.
So, i want you to reflect upon this, and as recommended to me, write down as much as you can,
here is my take.
My first episode came from marijuana usage, you will understand more than most the damage of a strong mind that is hallucinating. I heard voices, and My brain refered to me (consciousness) for an explanation of what it assumed as a foreign entity (whisper, voice etc); the conscious itself in some cases was the entity, and required its own explanation but also had to answer to remain part of the brain.(i.e the brain has an auto virus detection,just like a heart attack, or coughing, the organ will let the user know, but considering the user is broken in this case, therefore an external user is needed hence {psychosis is the indicator required to bring the outside world of people into the picture and is a cry of help from the brain, as the user is unable to function correctly, in failure the birth of an automated brain and the separation from the virus which in this case is the conscious)hence This was the birth of all schizophrenic ailments, over time the exhaustion of the brain and the conscious both battling unaware, until the voice becomes sinister, the brain sees the conscious as foolish and takes further automation.
An automated brain which is on alert for its own safety will start to reduce functions and resort to basics of pleasure and pain, and ofcourse it will continue to see the user, you as a threat. It will become tired and the levels of dopamine required will increase due to its basic functioning, The exhustion over time can explained the birth of issues such as negative symptoms.