I just don’t like the heavy feel of makeup. I use to use something similar to this years ago. I just want to slightly even out my tone, not really wanting to cover up my freckles. Do you think this stuff would be ok?
I bought a bb cream myself too, it is my favourite type of makeup because it is mostly moisturiser,…
I like the inika brand but it is very expensive so I only buy it when I really feel the need for it
I personally have a problem with spf sun protection factors but each to their own
Looks good.
Light coverage, SPF, all the stuff you need.
what exactly does the bb and cc stand for on these makeups
it stands for beauty balm,…cc is colour correcting,…I just looked it up it’s a good question
I have never heard of cc myself…,
I use BB cream Leafy, it’s great for older skin (I am 55) as it doesn’t cake in all the wrinkles and creases. I am not so sure it would hide freckles though - but why would you want to - freckles are beautiful.
Oh that’s good, I don’t want to hide my freckles, I like em.
It has great reviews. I’d give it a try
Yes, absolutely. I use a bb cream with spf. It works well and feels light on the face, I’ve never been sunburnt in all the years I’ve worn it.
I use a moisturizer, then green colour correcting cream (it neutralizes warmth and reddness) then my bb cream dabbing with a beauty blender, then concealer around the eyes, then I contour.
I used to use a full coverage foundation but my skin needed a break and I stopped working so i didnt need to wear full makeup everyday.
I would love to learn full glam make up skills and how to apply lashes for everyday wear.
When I move to my new house I’m going to set up a beauty table with a Hollywood mirror so I can be organised with my makeup stuff.
wow, you know a lot about make up, thanks
ok, thanks, it’s a good price. I’m going to order it now so I’ll have it for just in case I get a job interview.
I use a BB cream, not that brand though I think mine is Maybelline. I like it, it’s light weight and evens out my skin tone
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