I’m struggling with taking a shower now, and I’m struggling with not having enough to do. and I’m struggling with not socializing enough…
With quitting smoking.
With keeping my house clean.
With general hygiene.
With sleeping.
With self care.
Hi @Jake.
Yeah, hell yeah. I’m struggling with showering and just being alive.
I’m currently paralysed by the fact that my one piece of lovely furniture - a rug from my beloved grandma - has been decimated my moths. My mother was abusive & neglectful since birth (so I developed sz symptoms from a very young age). But the only two people who were kind, caring & safe and fed me were my 2 grandmas. From one I have this lovely rug. It’s been hard throughout my psychotic decades to protect it & keep it good but I’ve fought for it. It’s like it’s the only evidence i have in this life that anyone loved me.
Now I’ve discovered that it’s infested with tiny moths & I just got it uncovered it out from under my bed & it’s all but destroyed by the moths. I can’t believe this cruelty.
Quitting smoking
Not enough socialization
Scatterbrained sza symptoms
struggling with my ocd
and bad thoughts about wanting to self mutilate. this is mainly at night. the urge is strong
lack of sleep. voices and strange loud sounds waking me up
Struggling getting rid of this boner due to the lack of coffee.
WhAt ThE FuUCk
Finally had some coffee so my boner went away.
Sorry I’m sharing this type of news with y’all, but it is troubling.
Always struggling with showering, motivation to make / get anything to eat (until night), exercising, etc but right now not having complete solitude because everyone is home (weekend). I love them but I need a lot of alone time and solitude. Until 1pm.
I’m struggling with motivation (avolition). Like it’s hard to start doing something constructive but when I start it’s ok. But the getting started is the hardest part - I have to force myself most of the time.
Struggling with voices saying iam gonna get tortured forever
I moved in with my brother and his fiance, I’m just struggling finding a balance right now. I don’t want to change their whole lives around me, but they also want me to get out more…so its like an internal struggle between not trying to bother them and them feeling like I’m not reaching my potential. I guess it might require a conversation.
Struggling to sleep and concentrate.
I’m struggling with belief in a god which I can’t discuss here. I ordered a couple of books from Amazon where I hope I will find some answers. I tried to talk to my sister about it, but she wasn’t any help. Maybe my therapist will be of some help when I meet with her Wednesday. I really don’t want to talk to a religious leaders because they believe more than I do.
i thought you had more smarts than that!!
I’m struggling to take a shower now because I’m in a full bore MS relapse.
Its a struggle to get on the shower chair and get onto the seat.
Then I get have to reach up to get the shower head.
But when I do, I fell SO much better.
Struggling with physical pain and depression.
I got a headache and acid reflux … Scary thoughts as usual
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