idont know how many of you like rap but heres a inspirational song
sorry i dont know how to post the video on here
That should have displayed the video. You just paste the link and the forum software does the rest. Bizzarre.
weird. it even showed up as a video on the right hand side. wonder if i did something wrong
OR you could just give the title and a nice computer person will post it for you,its happened to me a few times.
Here you go, you’re right, I should have done that sooner.
It looks like the https:// was causing a problem with the forum software. I just changed it to http://, without the ‘S’
I remember you!!! you one of those nice computer people aint you!!!
So now you are flying under the radar?
Haha, I’ve just posted enough videos here to give it a go.
Hey man can you please post the song by the “travelling willburies” after Roy Orbisons death?
you know that one where they had his shades in the chair in efigy?
Thanks man…you are soooo cool.
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