You only have to forgive once.
To resent, you have to do it every day.
What is your experience with forgiveness?
You only have to forgive once.
To resent, you have to do it every day.
What is your experience with forgiveness?
Yea that’s true.
I do think it’s possible, at least for me,
To forgive,
But still be cautious
To forgive doesn’t mean to approve of what happened.
To me, it simply means choosing to let go of anger and resentment, and trying to move past what happened.
I don’t think it’s necessary to forgive to move past something. It’s more about not letting someone elses behavior impact you in a negative way. You dont have to accept someone elses bad behavior to be healthy mentally. Dwelling on it and letting it impact your life in negative ways long afterward is whats unhealthy IMO.
Forgiveness breaks karma, the natural laws of cause and effect. Otherwise we’d just harm each other back and forth forever. When we forgive we can intervene in the process and change the natural progression of events.
Someone wise said forgivenes doesen’t mean that you accept what happened, it’s just a tool to help yourself move on.
To me forgiveness, means not holding resentment by thinking oh they ought to have done THAT instead. But instead me thinking, oh they are human, they are trying their best with their unique circumstances, to be happy so I’ll just let them be. With the motivation that I will feel free from bitterness.
Obviously personal boundaries are always important.
It is not like I can force someone to do something differently. They have their reasons why they need to do things the way they need to do them, I just don’t understand the reasons that’s all. That Doesn’t mean I’m open to continual. Abuse, or emotional damage, for instance, as I said setting boundaries is healthy.
No just setting emotional boundaries etc., but also still having a sense of what’s wrong and what’s right to me from my experience
i dont forgive. i give my all truthfully no questions asked for as long as i live if you dont fail but if you ever fail me it is over forever. i may still talk to the person as i dont let them know but all is over for ethernity and beyond.
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