Mourning / Nite / Afternoon Whatevah ,
If You Personally Had Three Choices ,
What Would You Choose (???) ,
Religion (_) ,
Spirituality (_) ,
OR ,
Bestie Resties (_) (???) . , , ,
Religion Shall Take and PERHAPS Give ,
Spirituality Will Confuse PERHAPS Help ,
and and and
Bestie Restie Will Hide and PERHAPS Hurt ,
So Since You may Or May Naught Even Reply ,
On A Fourth Addition To Thus Mental Ration ,
Would You Rather Go With “schizophrenia” Instead Of Tha Bestie Resties , Spirituality and Tha Rest (???) ,
So Please ,
If One ,
YOU (!!!) ,
You Shall ,
Respond Within Thus Mairicle Of A Thread ,
Jus Lyke An Undevoured Egg … ,
and As One Chooses ,
What Would You Lyke To Be Friends With , Within Thine Preference ,
All Tha Way Into A Cup Of Flesh and Bone … ,
Choose Wisely (!!!) ,
: )
I Am On My Meds …