(<.><.>) ^Here^ (<.><.>)


Mourning / Nite / Afternoon Whatevah ,

If You Personally Had Three Choices ,

What Would You Choose (???) ,

Religion (_) ,

Spirituality (_) ,

OR ,

Bestie Resties (_) (???) . , , ,

Religion Shall Take and PERHAPS Give ,

Spirituality Will Confuse PERHAPS Help ,

and and and

Bestie Restie Will Hide and PERHAPS Hurt ,

So Since You may Or May Naught Even Reply ,

On A Fourth Addition To Thus Mental Ration ,

Would You Rather Go With “schizophrenia” Instead Of Tha Bestie Resties , Spirituality and Tha Rest (???) ,

So Please ,

If One ,

YOU (!!!) ,

You Shall ,

Respond Within Thus Mairicle Of A Thread ,

Jus Lyke An Undevoured Egg … ,

and As One Chooses ,

What Would You Lyke To Be Friends With , Within Thine Preference ,

All Tha Way Into A Cup Of Flesh and Bone … ,

Choose Wisely (!!!) ,

: )


I Am On My Meds …

you need help…

Say Wha (???) ,

Why Do You Say That ,

jus Mythologizing Yo (!!!)

I choose spirituality.

There’s some good spirituality threads today. Must be one of them days.

Hmm ,

Indeed … ,

I Once Read About Bhudda and One 3ish Nite In Tha Mourning , I Sat Within That / His Position ,

and Decided To Read Tha Bible ,

" if you burn them all together you get close to the truth . "