Helped the Kids With a Fundraiser

We collected over 200 cans of food and other non perishable items from about 4 or 5 streets around where we live.

It all goes to the Emergency Food Cupboard in our local area. People were so friendly and generous!

It’s a win/win as the hours my daughter’s spent on this project go towards their volunteer hours for their school…they need 40 hours of volunteer work in order to Graduate from High School.

We’re dropping off the ton of food on Tuesday after we sort and collate it all. :slight_smile:


I think it’s good that they make your kids volunteer to graduate. It’s not a requirement where I live.


Maybe call your local school and raise the Volunteer Hours idea with the Principal?

Tell them we do it in Canada…it might just catch on in your area! :slight_smile:

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Good for you @anon39054230!

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