Help to choose a new kitchen appliance!

Hi guys,

I’m looking for a new gadget for my kitchen, and I’ve settled on an immersion blender. My research has led me to choose between either the KitchenAid KHB2561 ( or the Cuisinart Smart Stick CSB-75BC
( The KA would be $80, the Cuisinart Smart Stick would be $34.

The Cuisinart is the industry-accepted top of the line immersion blender. The KitchenAid is the runner up.

My question is addressed to any Cuisinart owners: is it battery operated or does it plug in? For those who have the KA; how does it perform with non-soup-blending activities?

Thanks in advance!

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So it is either this one
Or this one

I would buy the smart one


The first one is better! Gives more opportunity to bake cakes and cake is always a win


The first one looks really classy, but I don’t like too many gadgets doing the same thing.
And I don’t bake cakes so there.

black looks always good… :black_circle:
take care :alien:

Sorry guys, I have to be a huge geek for a moment. Best appliance ever.

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