Death spoke to me last night, I haven’t heard her voice in so long. She said that she had important information to give me, and that I should stop my medication.
I really don’t want to, please help
Death spoke to me last night, I haven’t heard her voice in so long. She said that she had important information to give me, and that I should stop my medication.
I really don’t want to, please help
Don’t stop your meds. Stay strong
It is the disease talking, unfortunately disease is all about suffering. Do not give in to the hallucination as it is talking gibberish to you.
The simple solution would be to take your ruddy meds. You like suffering? If not - dose yourself up. Your not daft, you know this.
Tapered off dosage with the consent of your shrink is the way to go. But if your hearing “death” - your probably not ready for that yet.
Sort yourself out.
Think of your life right now.
You’re young and beautiful,
You just met an awesome new girl.
Don’t lose time and ground to this illness by going off your meds.
@GoldenRex @Zoe @Naarai @GrayBear
Thank you. This is exactly what I needed to hear
Please don’t go off your meds @anon2818416 . You did that before and it didn’t end well at all.
@everhopeful thank you. I really needed that reminder
Don’t stop your meds. I have voices that tell me I’m things. Have you taken your meds today?
@Leaf thank you, and thank you for the possum
@roxanna I forgot them last night but I took them first thing this morning
Lol this is so jokes
Good good. Stay strong talk to you pdoc. Hugs. I haven’t seen you in a
@roxanna thanks! I called my social worker, we’re gonna meet up on Monday. In the meantime I’m going to stay with a friend so that I know I’m safe
I’ve been on here a bunch, we must just be missing each other!
Yeah @anon2818416 please continue taking your meds.
Ignore the voices.
When I miss med doses my voices turn on me and become hostile. You take them for years and you forget how bad it was before you started taking them. Best to stay on them!
@Wave @agent101g thanks guys
Tell Death
I have a list
Of people
She needs to visit
Or send her my way
We need to have some words
Hope you are feeling better
Hah! I’ll make sure to pass it along I think I’m doing better, I got my meds adjusted recently