What’s the purpose of this research study?
Researchers at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center are working on a study in which you will:
- Get paid to not use drugs and alcohol for about 3 weeks
- Have two MRI brain scans
- Have a physical exam
- Answer questions about yourself
Many people who have schizophrenia also smoke marijuana. The goal of our research is to find out why this happens. If we can find out why, then perhaps we can find a way to reduce the urge to use marijuana. If you have schizophrenia and smoke marijuana, we hope you will help us in this important study
Scans and tests that are part of the study are provided at no cost. You will be paid for being a part of this study. Transportation costs will be covered (see FAQs). All INFORMATION IS KEPT CONFIDENTIAL.
Study sites are located in New Hampshire (Manchester, Concord, Lebanon, Claremont, and Nashua).