Last year at about this time it all started. I started having delusions that I was going to become the President. It then turned bad and I thought I was going to be killed by the CIA. I thought I was going to be killed multiple times. With all this came thinking people were following me, electronics were talking to me, that my mind was being read and more. I went into a deep psychosis. Was kicked to the curb in the middle of my psychosis and was in many mental hospitals. They initially gave me pills, but I kept tossing them because I thought they were placebos. So, they started injecting me. It never really worked at all. The thing that kicked me out of my psychosis was a social worker in the ER telling me that everything was not real.
I kept taking my injections for a few months after I was out of my psychosis. Then I decided to stop taking them. I have not had a relapse into psychosis since then and have not taken my meds. However, now I just feel super paranoid that I am being followed, going to prison or going to be killed.
My first question is, was the social worker kicking me out of my psychosis normal? Could it work for more people? Second, I just need advice to stop being so paranoid.
this is not a competition you want to win !?!
we are all ill and all suffer…sz is not a choice…
as for being paranoid…cbt has helped…confronting my fears has helped.
if you don’t you will become…home bound…scared of your own shadow…
your diagnoses will become an excuse for not doing anything to help yourself.
and eventually you will sadly compete with others as to who has suffered the most and is the ’ craziest '.
take care
Lemme Know if It Could Possibly Be Helpful For Your Situational Dilemma ,
" (((Lesson 12))) (Truth Is Truth & Lies Are Lies)
So When You Look At A Rainbow Tha Truth Is , It Is A Hazy Spectrum Of Colours . If You Were To See A Rainbow and Claim , That There Is A Pot Of Gold At Both Ends , That , Is A Lie . Within Thee Idea That Knowing A Rainbow Is A “Beautiful” Spectrum Of Colours , You Will Fynde That Tha Truth Of That Haze , Is Beauty . No Matter Tha Scientific Alphabet , Of That Naturalistic Grafeetee . & Tha Truth To , Differentuality , Is That , Tha Spark & Birthing Nature Of Every Colour As Rainbow Or Beyond , Is Curiosity Of Each and Every Haze . After It Rains A Rainbow May Or May Naught Appear . But As Long As One Lives Within Truth , That Rainbow Will Always Be Near .
=============================================== " …
I’m sure the social worker helped a lot. However, you have to notice that you met her shortly after getting the injections. It generally takes about 8 weeks for antipsychotics to start working. I bet that was about when you met her and started feeling better. Your paranoia now is a sign of the beginnings of a relapse, and they are starting a few months after stopping your injections. Do you see the pattern here?
I am the same way. When I start feeling better, I attribute it to lifestyle changes and good eating habits. I start to think the medicine isn’t doing anything and I can manage better on my own without all those useless unnatural meds. And then I stop taking them. I am fine for a few weeks. In fact, I feel better than ever. But then the voices start in again. And I stop being able to sleep. And I have no dea why I am having a hard time, because I am too close to myself to see the cause and effect clearly. Luckily, I have people in my life who can point this out to me. Then I wise up and start taking the meds again.
Yep, medication isn’t the answer you want to read here, but it’s basically the better one. No one likes it, but at least you’ll be psychosis free. It takes some time to work also, we have to have patience. This is an illness, and sometimes it gets the best of us. The primary thing to think about is your health and your sanity, this two things is what I value the most right now.
This is exactly what happens to my son.
He starts having paranoid delusions. It all starts very slowly.
PLEASE see you doctor and get back on the medication.
I know they have side effects, but cancer treatments, meds for all kinds of illnesses do too. We still have to do it if we want to be ok.