I know my last post was crazy and out there… I apologize. That wasn’t me. I guess I had a psychotic episode. I went to urgent care that morning and all they could do was prescribe me with wellbutrin xl 150 mg once a day and xanax .5 mg twice a day.
(Anyone have any experience with wellbutrin?)
The xanax has helped a lot but I haven’t seen any other change… I go to a psychiatrist in September. We’ll see what happens then.
I start my new job tomorrow and I have a bunch of family coming over tonight and staying all weekend so I’m pretty upset about that. I would just like to be alone.
I hope something works out for you. I’ve definitely posted crazy and out there and straight embarrassing stuff online before. Just delete it if you can I guess if it makes you feel better.
How much wellbutrin do you take?
It works pretty good for me, but some people on here said it made them manic and agitated. You should notice a change within a two or three weeks.
I’m glad you were able to get some help. Good luck with your family. I just had all my in laws crammed into my tiny house for a week, so I feel your pain. It is temporary though, and they’re probably trying to help.
Glad your doing better…sorry extra stress sucks…@shutterbug is a nice lady she might…but maybe ask one of the other mods I think pixel is resting her buns from modding for a little bit…
Its a lot you have going on right now. Just dont over stress, breathe deep and take a few minutes for yourself to clear your head every now and then. I wish you the best of luck.
my dad was on welbutrin for a while he had an increased appetite and did gain weight which was one of the reasons he quit that and zyprexa. then they put him on Seroquel and Cymbalta and he quit those too. but heres the key information aps and ads effect people differently so what effected my father might not effect you.
Good luck on your job. I hope that your medicine works out for you. In the very least I hope that it can tide you over till you see your psychiatrist. Don’t forget if your job stresses you out, don’t quit or anything like that. Try to talk to people here before you do anything rash. I just saying just in case so that you go in prepared. I’m sure that you will do fine.