He'd throw his head back and say "I love you"

I couldn’t believe him. Unfortunately his wife did. No wonder she was confused.
Later, I found myself thinking I loved when I didn’t. Love has to be real and has to have give and take. One sided love is just justifying domination.

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I know this is personal but I wanted to take a moment to tell you how beautiful and poignant your writing is.

Thank you, @Val. I have worked on expressing myself on this forum. I used to get called “cryptic” all the time. I’m glad to here I’ve improved. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah for it to work you’ve got to be on the same page!

My ex mrs…Still love the girl but she was like lo bipolar. Lot’s of fantasy and silly decisions. Just couldn’t live with it anymore but that is life!

You do hit the mark with your posts! I agree with that!

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