Heat wave in Greece woke up in 4 am did a shower things are better now, its 29c 77F and its 4:45 am it will climp up to 40c 104 F.
sister and niece returning from London this Sunday so 2 weeks break with my cats is getting over.
Heat wave in Greece woke up in 4 am did a shower things are better now, its 29c 77F and its 4:45 am it will climp up to 40c 104 F.
sister and niece returning from London this Sunday so 2 weeks break with my cats is getting over.
We have only made it to 91F 32.8c so far. It’s really been humid though.
We just got over a heatwave in my location too. Remember to stay hydrated on plenty of fluids, and only go outside if you have to.
Btw, the kitty in your avatar is adorable.
During heat u cant do much compare to cold weather.
i dont have Ac cause unhealthy plus i will overuse cause i like cold ,(thinking ill install this year)
thank u montezuma hope u are well.
kitty is Pi she is 16 years old !!
I don’t know what it is with me, but I can hardly stand the cold. I’d much prefer the heat. I have ac but they don’t work very well. Electricity is included with my rent, so I don’t worry about the cost.
You welcome! I’m doing well.
Awww. My cat, Jimmy, is about 13.
oh u are member of the cat club:)
40C will be hot, we have also had a heatwave here, but the highest temp has been 33C which is also quite hot considering we live here in north.
I am in Canada and this monday it will be 41C.
104F is awful. I hope it cools off for you
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