Heartrate is it bad

Its between 96-108, is that bad.

Nope, about average. Maybe a touch on the higher end of normal, but still quite okay. Now if you were 120+, then yeah.

My heart rate is 70-90.

Depends if you notice it beating in the chest, and if it gets high when you excercise lightly.

what you eat
what you think
if you don’t have enough water
not enough sleep
etc…can all effect heart rate.
your heart will fluctuate through out the day…it is normal. :heart_eyes:
take care :alien:

i would say normal…

When I am not on certain higher levels of risperidone, my heart rate runs a bit on the lower side 54 to 64 or so, this is because I am on a Beta Blocker.

Your Heart rate seems to be about normal, it does change all of the time 60 - 100 is the normal range.

I had really bad palpitations which is why I asked… But I guess it might have been the cola i drank.