Heart and blood pressure questions

I have a few questions regarding the old ticker.

  1. Sometimes my heartbeat gets heavy, and it gets hard to breathe. Typically lasts for 5 seconds. Should I be concerned?

  2. I more and more often have a stinging sensation in my chest where the heart is. I’ve been told it’s likely to be a pinched shoulder muscle, but should I have it checked out?

  3. My blood pressure is often low, is there a way to raise/stabilize it with foods or supplements?

I think you should speak to a doc if you can. In terms of forum information our friend @LED has a lot of experience with heart/blood pressure stuff


Yeah I would talk to a doctor right away @Pikasaur


1 sounds like palpitations, generally harmless but if it’s new and frequent is definitely a reason to bring it up with a doctor.

2 could be a lot of things, but given the other two issues you should mention it and get it treated so they can confirm it’s not an irregular heart rhythm.

3 really depends on everything else, but generally if it’s low and not causing symptoms like dizziness, tunnel vision, hearing problems, etc then it’s doesn’t need to be treated. If you are having symptoms it’s worth getting checked out by a cardiologist. For now I would recommend drinking more water or adding in an electrolyte replacement drink when it gets bad.


Thank you.
It’s not too bad, but I often get dizzy

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Does it get worse when you stand up, stand up for too long, etc? Do you ever get blood pooling in your feet?

It’s worse when I go from sitting to standing, or when I bend over. Yes, also if I stand for too long, sometimes.

I don’t think I have pooling in my feet

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Do you have any heart racing?

Look up dysautonomias like orthostatic intolerance, POTS, vasovagal syncope, etc. See if any of those sound like what you’re experiencing.

I definitely have some symptoms of POTS, it seems.
I think my heart rate sometimes increases randomly, yes.
Any kind of exercise will make my heart beat really fast too. Even going up stairs

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I suggest bringing it up with you primary and asking for a neurology referral.

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