Hearing voices

Supposedly it does exist through satellite or something. It just really real to me.

I know it seems real, I have lived with paranoid delusions for almost 20 years. Medication works really well for me.


“Supposedly” isn’t a firm basis. Satellites can do lots of amazing things, but each of those things you can read about from scientists who are considered reliable. There is no current technology or possibly ever will be that can do what you are experiencing.

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How do we really know that no such technology exists?

There’s many people in our society who work on the cutting edge of technology. When they make a discovery they publish their findings usually in peer reviewed journals, but it can be published in various types of media. If it is a particularly interesting discovery usually it will become a popular topic and many people will hear about it and talk about it.

Also in universities and colleges extremely bright students and professors and researchers study science and technology and they teach us what is possible and what isn’t.


But what if it’s secretive technology?

Impossible things don’t become real just because they are secretive.

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But anything is possible.

The belief anything is possible is sort of an open-minded, motivational maxim rather than an actual reflection of reality.


Says who? You? Lol

Can’t you disprove it easily by thinking of something that is not possible?

I can’t think of anything that is not possible.

Really? It’s fun. How about a 10000 meter tall skyscraper made of dominoes


Ok got it. I got that. Now what?

Maybe think of things that are not possible until you realize your beliefs aren’t possible.

In a study that for the first time establishes the feasibility of direct brain-to-brain communication, an international group of researchers has successfully shown it is possible to non-invasively transmit a thought from one person to another 5,000 miles away, without either of them having to speak or write.

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Look at the language the article is written in: “The team believes the findings are an important step toward exploring whether it is possible to communicate from mind to mind without the use of language or gestures”

THE TEAM BELIEVES the findings are AN IMPORTANT STEP toward EXPLORING whether it is possible

That means almost nothing has been accomplished

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Still look what they did.

I think there’s still a big leap from reading what’s in that article to believing a foreign government is targeting you with the technology.


Why is it a big leap? If they have the technology, why not use it?