Hearing conversations that are not real

I hear conversations that could be real but definitely aren’t. It only happens when I get stressed or excited though that’s quite frequent lately. The amazing thing is I think they’re helping me… for example:

I had a long discussion with my Pakistani programmer who’s working on this project for me. When we got done talking I listened to over an hour of conversation this person had with his dad, with his dad giving advice and him talking about the project.

These hallucinations always occurred between 2-3 people that are debating or discussing something and I just sit there and listening. From listening and remembering the conversations I learn ALOT and it affects what I’ve done in positive ways. It gives me perspectives I wouldn’t normally think about.

The voices always take the perspectives of their own characters, so it’s like hearing the situation discussed thru someone else’s eyes.

I’m actually able to kind of talk over people in the conversation or replace one of the voices with mine for the sake of debate, but one throwing out what I want to say I can sit back and listen to the discussion continue with the people taking into account my points.

It’s an enjoyable experience but very draining. When I listen I have to lay in bed and then feel exhausted afterwards. At times I’ve heard these conversations all day long which ment I spent a lot of time in bed but more recently they’re typically an hour long.

I know they’re not real cause I can sometimes confirm whether the conversation took place like with my parents. But my mental replica of their personality and thoughts brings out issues I don’t remember them talking about consciously but they can confirm happened.

It’s like I have models of people in my head and my brain is animating them in these conversations.

Another reason I know they’re in my head is that recently someone started discussing info I never told him. Now theoretically it’s possible the info was looked up on the internet and the guy is a programmer but it would be highly unlikely.

Lastly my conclusion is that these are not conversations that take place but they are conversations that COULD take place. The same is true with all the individual arguments and perspectives discussed in the conversations. Everything that’s discussed has, in my mind the possibility of being true or understood as they see it.

Therefore it seems almost like a gift to be able to be exposed to all these ideas that “I would never think of myself.”

I sit back and listen to everything trying to remember what’s said and I learn a lot.

Any thoughts / comments?


I think that’s absolutely nuts that our brain can do that. I enjoyed reading that becuase it reminds me that my voices might not have been real either just really convincing due to a powerful brain.

I’d be too scared to learn anything from these voices just because they sound lifelike, it always freaks me out. It does sound exhausting and draining, I can imagine you’d sleep like a baby afterwards in silence. It’s very interesting how the voices actually give you ideas and their point of view, brains are just crazy. So much raw sub conscious intelligence.


I think it’s great.
Exhausting but interesting.
You learn about other people’s perspective,
even if they’re just hallucinations

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Fascinating!! At least, you know they are not real but possible conversations that you could have. I wish my hallucinations were similar. I have critical, nonsensical, and judgmental voices when I do hear them. They drive me nuts!! So, I’m happy the medication works.

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