Heard my psychiatrist who I had for 20yers died

My sister has a friend who has Schizophrenia and saw the same psychiatrist I had and sent my sister a message he just died.

He was serious and had a good sense of humor.

He was very concerned about me and I have always wondered what I would do with out him.

He retired last year and I was a little concerned about him.

I have now seen someone who is a lot younger but is in the clinic my psychiatrist created and he respects how he treated me and kept me on the same regimine just tried to lower my antidepressant to see if I dont sleep so much.

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I do understand how you might feel, I just saw an obituary for the first pdoc I saw when I was 16.
They had a “youth service” office actually on the high school grounds.

She played an important role in removing from my home for neglect, not that I agree’d with her but nonetheless.
Kinda weird feeling it gave me to think about it, they always seemed like they’d never age and live forever.

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