Hear me out: having schizophrenia now is like having HIV in the late 80s

“The first drug to treat HIV, zidovudine (AZT), was approved by the FDA in 1987. However, it wasn’t until 1996 that antiretroviral treatment (ART) became more effective and patient outcomes began to improve significantly.”

I think we’re less than ten years away from controlling this illness in significantly more effective ways. Kinda sucks that it took 15 years for that to happen with AIDS but the entirety of human history for it to happen with sz but I truly believe we’re almost there. Life is about to improve drastically for all of us. I have a very strong feeling about this.

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first sz meds were in 1950, its been 70ish years and treatment still comes with significant negative effects, hopefully tho in next 10 years we will see things better as you mention. especially with advanced technology and scientific knowledge overload


Well, “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.”


Right. This prediction only comes true if the world doesn’t end in the next few years

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The had discovered the exact cause of AIDS/HIV by the late 80s, a virus, still the cause of schizophrenia is unknown.


This may be naively optimistic but they’ve identified an electrical network that seems to be present in all cases of schizophrenia. Also I just think things are about to start moving so quickly in science and medicine that we end up figuring all kinds of things out in the next decade or so. Also the the pipeline right now is more promising then it’s ever been. There’s a lot of reasons to be hopeful.


That’s one helluva comparison. HIV is transmissible and had a much higher mortality rate than SZ has ever had.


Yeah it’s not a great analogy. It’s just the most notorious disease in recent memory that we figured out how to treat.

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