Rationalism vs. Empiricism
Not the first thread of its kind, but an excellent read to keep the mind busy.
Feel free to discuss.
Rationalism vs. Empiricism
Not the first thread of its kind, but an excellent read to keep the mind busy.
Feel free to discuss.
…and then Kant came around and moved the debate to a whole other level… (maybe this is why you called it a primer?) It is always nice to see people around with similar interests
But you may find that threads about philosophy tend to get locked, for this is not the place to discuss such matters, (unlike, e.g. music!).
It is somewhat remarkable, if one knows that in the real world, philosophers get hired by academic hospitals to help research, for instance, schizophrenia (I’m applying for such positions as we speak).
I truly hope that my post is not triggering in any way. I figured that a topic such as this requires too much wind-up for any momentum to be reached without significant deliberation. To me a trigger looks more like an off-the-cuff remark that might provoke just as instantaneous a response/thought. But I’m naive, which is why I read works such as this
A Doctor of philosophy deserves such a title. There are many ways to skin a cat. Man, I hate that saying.
Good luck! I mean that with complete sincerity.
I hesitated addressing this and I’m still treading with caution as, in my naivety, I had not considered this post to be a possible trigger. Yes, this publication is like icecream in its digestibility compared to others such as those presented by Kant. It is also one of the more fundamental concepts upon which one builds a solid tower of philosophical appreciation.
Anyhoo - I’ll let this simmer until the mods have given thought to its potential to cause problems.
I always found epistemology useful when performing the mental gymnastics required to keep paranoia and delusions at bay. But as a philosopher I’m a duffer-- too practical.
Although I found it amusing that Jung called Intuition and Sensation the ‘irrational’ functions in light of Rationalism and Empiricism.
I had intentions along this line.
Amusing and confusing! Maybe I’ll scoop up some Jung and put it in the 'freezer for another day when I’m in the mood.
Moved to Recovery.
(Wearing moderator hat)
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