Head bangs

I switched to Ziprasidone(geodon) from Abilify a week ago and getting used to it.
But from 2days ago, I feel head bangs in my head. It feels like vibrations inside and Its like someone hits my head… He prescribed me blonanserin and ziprasidone but not other meds like benzo, cogentin and inderal i used to take before. Is this coming from the cutoff of those meds or should I go to a hospital …?

Sounds like withdrawal to me. Does it feel a bit like being electocuted? If so, Gatorade can help. Stay hydrated.

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Thank you for your support. When i turn my head to left or right, it starts hurting… :face_with_thermometer: Thank you ninjastar, I will stay hydrated

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I just had a cup of electrolyte water. I feel much better! Thank you :heart_eyes:

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Good luck! Mine went away after about 2 weeks. Moving more slowly helped. Things that made it worse were standing up fast, laying down for too long, getting dehydrated, and running.

You should tell your doctor about the new symptoms, just in case there is something in your medical history that could make this a more dangerous experience, but for most of us it just sucks for a bit.


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